10 Android and iOS apps selected for you this month
10 Android and iOS apps selected for you this month

10 Android and iOS apps selected for you this month. New Apps Add new apps to your smartphone. The best Android apps. Great Android app suggestions


You may get bored of using your smartphone after a period of monotony using the same apps over and over. Here is the benefit of this type of articles that we review for you periodically to suggest new applications to add to your smartphone. Apps that bring new services, or help you do things better, and sometimes even replace your use of the original apps.

So here is a compilation of 10 Android and iOS apps that add some zest to your phone and bring it back to life.

1 – Raindrop App (Android and iOS)

Raindrop service and application is a unique service available for Android and iOS as well as the web in the form of a browser extension (Browser Extension) and you will know why after you discover the capabilities of the application.

Raindrop allows you to easily rate the websites you visit and manage your favorites (Bookmark Manager). Not all sites have a mobile app to browse them, so Raindrop can be relied on for the task. Through the browser add-on, you can list your favorite sites in the form of segments or hashtags. After connecting to the same account on the app, all your favorite sites will be pulled and synced with each other.

The story does not end here, sites can be browsed directly through the application smoothly, and sites can be synchronized between the computer and the application. Things other than locations can be saved, such as photos, Tweets, books, PDFs, and more.

2 – ViMusic app

ViMusic is an app for listening to music and watching videos. The app is open source and exclusively available for Android, and is available on the Google Play Store as well as the F-Droid store.

The application has a smooth and distinct interface, which is its most important advantage from our point of view, but it is not the only one. It comes with an audio management system that allows you to modify the audio in various ways, such as boosting, embellishing, amplifying, and deleting annoying noise from audio files. Another feature added to the application is the opportunity to learn about the most popular music in the world and trending to listen to it. A good, free, ad-free app that’s worth a try.

3 – Bromite application

Web browsers on a smartphone are not as good and do not provide an integrated experience like browsers on a computer. And the user ultimately depends on the browser that most of the time comes with the system, which is Google Chrome. But there is a better option for Android users, which is Bromite.

It is an open source and free application, also built on Chromium, so it provides a user experience close to Google Chrome. It features a native ad blocker, and more privacy and security tools. With a simple yet professional interface. The different thing about Bromite here is that you can install most of the Google Chrome extensions on Bromite and get a similar use of the browser on a computer. As a final reminder, the app is available for Android and can only be downloaded externally.

4 – Inoreader application

We have suggested Feedly on more than one occasion, and it is an application that specializes in aggregating feeds (Feed / Rss Feed) from the most popular (foreign) websites available. Abstracts can be divided according to the type of sites, for example, technical sites, movie sites, news sites… Then, in one place, you can read articles, news, and topics from various sites at the same time.

It is rivaled in the arena by Inoreader, with some limited differences. The most prominent of which is a difference in terms of interface and display method, then secondly in terms of sources and their abundance, and finally a difference in terms of paid services. Inoreader offers you an open service, but with the paid account you get rid of some ads, while Feedly has a limited number of resources that you can follow in the free account.

5 – Liveloop application

Liveloop offers you a collection of animated images that you can use as your smartphone’s wallpaper or lock screen. The way the application works is different despite the simplicity of its idea. It offers good content for free, but if you need better images with attractive designs, you need to pay to get them.

Keep in mind that moving images on the background may consume some power, so be prepared for that. The application provides wallpapers that can harmonize well with the theme on your smartphone. It is an application oriented especially who did not want to decorate his phone more and include some new things in it.

6 – GoCut application

GoCut is an app available on both Android and iOS platforms, and is available for free with purchasable content and paid in-app plans.

GoCut helps you create videos and add effects to them in a new and modern way. Video content may today be the most popular type of content in the world due to the proliferation of platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and others. To differ from the traditional videos and templates that are clichéd and repetitive in these platforms, GoCut offers some new effects on videos.

7 – Historical Encyclopedia

An Arabic application that has gained a lot of popularity in the past weeks, and we cannot ignore it, especially after trying the application. The Historical Encyclopedia application is available for free download for both Android and iOS systems.

The application helps you learn about the history of the ancestors and forefathers, the Sunni stories and the prophetic pearls. When you open the application, many titles of stories from the Prophet’s biography will appear to you, including major stories such as the story of our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, or secondary stories of the Companions and other prophets. One of the best features of the application at all is that it provides you with a chronological and chronological sequence of all Islamic events, to see all the main events in Islamic history and the biography of the Prophet from its inception to today.

8 – PostBox Focus application

PostBox Focus is a free app and free of annoying ads and services. It is exclusively available for the Android operating system and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Despite the simplicity of his goal, he does it perfectly and professionally. The app helps you manage notifications generated by apps, organize them, and schedule them to appear on your personal phone.

The smartphone system mostly shows notifications at any time and stacks them, in addition to not delivering notifications for applications that you do not open. But PostBox Focus can organize notifications into a specific group (for example, for work applications) and then schedule them to appear only between 9 am and 4 pm. You can go back to the history and notification history to see the notifications that you missed or deleted by mistake. Finally, all notifications can be turned off at once and shown at a specific time of the day.

9 – Spectra app

While buying a new Android phone, it is necessary to see all its internal details and resources. Such as the processor, screen, RAM, battery, connection quality, and support for other features inside the phone.

There are many Android applications that provide this feature, such as Devcheck and Cpu-Z, and we add to the list a new candidate, which is the Spectra application. Its interface is very lively and easy to understand compared to applications like CPU-Z. It can extract all data and information about the device from beginning to end, and display it in front of you. It can even track each unit individually, such as battery display, capacity, charging speed, charger power…and more. The application is only available for the Android operating system.

10 – Simple Login App

Then we conclude this list with Simple Login, one of the applications that I have benefited from a lot, and you will benefit from it as well. The app is available for Android and iOS, with a web version also available. It is a free service with no ads or in-app payment services.

Simple Login acts as a medium between you and any website you want to register with and acts as an intermediary between your personal mail and a dummy mail provided by the application. When using it, you will be prompted to connect to your e-mail and then embody a new e-mail. Now, when prompted to register on any website, service or app, include your Simple Login email address instead of your personal email address. You can disavow spam messages later easily.

This may raise some questions like: Can’t I just use temporary mail? But what if you want to recover your account later? Or reach the messages of that platform? All your incoming mail is diverted to Simple Login in this case without compromising the original messages in your account.

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