10 Python libraries for hacking and networking
10 Python libraries for hacking and networking

Learn about a group of the most famous and powerful Python programming language libraries specialized in networking as well as hacking techniques. A toolkit and libraries to help you build hacking software

The Python programming language is very popular all over the world. There are many reasons, but we mention the ease of learning Python, the strength in terms of performance, and the preference for building different software on almost all platforms. The difference in its use also in many areas gives it preference in favor of the developer.

The Python programming language relies on many libraries, each of which performs a specific purpose, and helps you build the required software faster. In this article, we chose for you a package for a group of the most powerful and famous libraries that you can rely on in the Python programming language to build various programs.

1 – Beautiful Soup Library

Beautiful Soup is a Python library that extracts and manipulates HTML and XML website structures. This allows the user to extract and manipulate website elements in HTML or XML format. Thus, this library is included in the Web Scraping libraries, or the withdrawal of website information.

Use this library to store, group and organize website data according to a specific category. For example, if a website has a lot of images using the img tag, you can pull all the links to those images, and manipulate them later as desired.

2 – Scapy Library

You must have heard that the Python programming language is also used in building penetration testing software, right? Scapy library is one of the libraries used for this class of operations. The Scapy library allows building software capable of analyzing the network and dealing with the packets that pass between the network and its devices. If you have heard of software such as Nmap, Arpspoof, or even Wireshark, this library is able to provide the same service, and help you build competing software for it. Even without building a program, just installing the library and starting to use its commands will allow you to analyze the network, protocols, communications, and extract data and information through it.

3 – Socket library

It is originally an interface and can be considered a library as well. Its goal is to help you build primarily networking software. Combining it with the previous Scapy library might give you better performance as well. In the event that you want to explore network commands, and build communication software between networks, for example, software to transfer files between different devices in the network, you can use Socket. It also allows building chat and messaging applications, and there are many commands, functions and characteristics that the latter includes to help you build and manufacture software of this type.

4 – Pymetasploit3 library

Emulation of the famous Metasploit software and all its services in one library, so that you can use them in separate programs built in the Python programming language. Pymetasploit3 is a library that includes the tools and techniques of msfrpc (the library used to build Metasploit using Ruby on Rails), but this time in Python. Will you be the next to program a Metasploit-like tool on Python?

There are multiple versions of this library. It is recommended to resort to the latest version due to the large number of tools, functions and technologies available, as well as compatibility with the latest versions of Python. In order to use it, you download the library via the PIPE package manager, and then start using it with the msfconsole command, to show you everything that the library can do. You can later convert it into a software service depending on the type of use.

5 – Mechanize library

By the name this library might give you a glimpse of what it is capable of, automating various operations in websites. This library can understand how different websites work, filling out surveys if required, filling Captchas, clicking on links, selecting Selects / Checkboxes and more. But what is the point of it?

This library can be used to create bots capable of crawling within websites in order to extract their data and information automatically. Various websites rely on some defense mechanisms (such as Captcha) to prevent such bots, but through the Mechanize library, most of them can be technically bypassed.

6 – Impacket Library

The Impacket library is defined on its official package on GitHub with the following expression: It is a collection of classes that help you deal with network protocols. Impacket includes a set of services, functions, and tools that are capable of applying operations on the network, no matter how difficult they are. You can also deal with various communication protocols: IP/TCP – UDP – IGMP – ICMP and others. Performing various operations, such as checking the network, identifying devices connected to you from the same network, and performing various operations on them. You can use the library directly, or you can program your own applications that depend on it.

7 – Yara library on Python

There is basically a Yara tool that can be used on various programs, but there is an Interface or a software dedicated to it on Python. Yara is a tool developed by VirusTotal, which specializes in scanning files, networks, and websites. Yara has a different way of working. It aims to search for a specific Pattern in order to scan files for any kind of malicious files. The idea behind the program is that you can enter a set of Patterns for it (which will most likely be used by a specific virus or malware) and then it lists files or websites, and then it comprehensively scans them with this tool. If you are looking to build security-related software (such as an antivirus), you can rely on the Yara library.

8 – Cryptography Library

Cryptographic Library This library may help you to protect the software and information that is entered into your own software by applying a combination of different encryption techniques. It is necessary to encrypt the data that you log into your own software that you have built using the Python programming language, and one of the most important libraries that you can use to get high encryptions. In the Python programming language itself, there are Functions that can do the coding, but decoding is very easy. To better fortify and enhance the strength of your software, use the Cryptography library.

9 – Nmap Python library

There is no doubt that you know the Nmap tool, and it is one of the best tools specialized in scanning networks and discovering any kind of gaps in the network, and detecting connected devices in the network as well. Therefore, it is a very important tool when it comes to creating software related to network scanning and then exploiting the results obtained by Nmap in your own software. Specialized applications and software can now be built in examining and managing networks through the Nmap library, Impacket, and the rest of the other libraries that we have presented in this article. So that you can build an integrated penetration testing software using it.

10 – Pexpect Library

It is a library capable of doing some automation related to various services related to security and privacy, such as handling passwords (embodying strong passwords) or dealing with SSH, FTP, Telnet connections and these kind of protocols. Even able to handle communications with servers and communicate with them to send and pull data. It is a Python Module, by the way, and not an integrated library, and it can be further developed by you to perform strong and secure communication operations with other software, systems, and servers.

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